Winning is a mindset !!
We are living in the world where everyone is struggling with their life. Some people are so lucky that they get everything they want. But let me tell you one thing they are not lucky they have winning mindset all the time so success come to them easily.
Let’s take an example. If we are giving any exam and it went well however we have some kind of fear in our mind on the day of result. We get some doubts what if I could not clear the exam what if I get less number, we become stressful. As per research the students get all of their stress before result day. Many students get so much fear that they could not handle the pressure.
So same case applies with anyone not only for students. We become doubtful even if we give our best. Nowadays fear, stress, anxiety has become part of some people’s life. Why I said some people because there are some people in the other hand who wins always in their life no matter what and at any condition.
Guys everyone should develop the winning mindset in 21st century. Because we live in a life where you are not getting positive environment. So, in order to go ahead and win all the time in your life and get what you want you need to develop these skills.
Now some people will question me that. You are teaching the winning mindset but when I try to do something good than bad things happens with me. and it happens all the time. There are some people who have childhood trauma that they think they can’t do it. May it be achieving something or getting desired job or may it be anything.
It happens because of their past experience. They tried something and if it doesn’t work, they try it again and again but still no success. So, their mindset become like that only. Our mindset tells us that it’s not my cup of tea.
But let me tell you one thing that Nothing is permanent. Even permanent marker is not permanent. You can change your mind set at any point of their life. And why this so much important because it’s more essential thing of everyone’s life.
Let me share 1 example which I saw that and why mindset play an important role in our life.
There was 1 man who falls a sick every time. And he had fear, anxiety and depression. When I asked him why are you getting sick all the time for no reason. What is bothering you. why can’t you have a normal life.
He said nothing is happening well in my life I am struggling a lot but it’s not working.
I have many desires in my life but I am not that lucky. So, I asked him do you know any guy who is winning all the time and life is so much easy for them?
He said yes, he has friend of him and he is successful in his life with minimum effort. He settled in his life.
So, I just mentioned 1 thing to him. Sir if he is winning all the time I his life because he is winning first in his mind. And same things are reflecting in his life.
You are not lucky because you do not have winning mindset. You put so much pressure on yourself. And you think that things must be work out for you no matter what and when things don’t not work well you become depress.
Life is enjoying thing. It’s not a pressure cooker. To put pressure ourselves to get anything we want.
And let me tell you this depression, Anxiety, unlucky, fear is mental state. You can call it mind state. These are man-made feelings.
So now onwards don’t put so much pressure on you.
And because of these you are inviting the dieses in your life. If you are fear of anything, like if you feel that bad thing is happening with me then let me tell you how to get out of it permanently.
Let me cover this and rest of thing in part 2