Winning is a mindset part 2 ..
So, continuing with part 1 if you feel that you are not worthy and bad things happening to you and that thought is growing in your head then be relaxed. You know that good things are not happening to you? ok sit comfortably and think more and more about that thought and tell yourself that bad things are happening to you in 5 minutes. Tell let all bad things happen to me in 5 minutes.
Now think more and more about that. after 5 to 7 minutes stop that thought. Now it’s enough. Now you see if any bad thing happened to you. Nothing would have happened to you. So now your body will tell you that if nothing is happened and nothing will happen them why to worry unnecessarily.
And you will come out of that thought permanently. My sister had fear that demon will come in night. She used to have that fear of darkness. I told her same that imagine that demon has come to you and use any imagination as bad as you could for 5 minutes. So, one she did this activity she herself told me that there is nothing like demon or anything. she had that thought since long time and that thought was bothering her a lot unnecessarily when she sees dark place.
Actually, that is childhood trauma. Our parents used to say that please keep quite otherwise demon will come from dark.
and why you should use these techniques let me tell you.
Do you know if any jungle catches the fire, then what rescue team do? They themselves create fire on the other side and when fire reaches the other fires then its stop catching fire anymore same way we have to do in our life.
So, in our life it’s very important how we condition our mind. So, guys be relaxed don’t take too much tension for the things which didn’t happen. We have positive mindset and we can change anything with this mindset. Our mindset has so much power that we can change anything with mind power. Go going forward tell yourself that I will win , I can win then you will see the real magic.
Sometimes thing doesn’t work well. That’s ok you can tell yourself that I will win next time and keep continue your work. Things will automatically start happening to you.
If you are struggling with anything then please do let me know. I will try my best to resolve anything. Because if someone can win then why not you? If someone can be a billionaire then why can’t you? If someone can be a healthy life wealthy life then why can’t it be you? change your mindset and you will see remarkable shift in your life.