Now it’s your time to become a billionaire part 2

Now it’s your time to become a billionaire part 2…

Continuing with part 1 blog of billionaire life.

Now let’s apply my techniques in order to become a billionaire.

Take a fresh air. For that you need to go in nature. Go in nature and try to relax as much as possible. Mute your all electronics devices. if possible, please avoid carrying any electronics devices. If you are carrying then please keep it aside and put that device on airplane mode so that there won’t be any frequency active.

Now start taking breath slowly and slowly
And always make sure that you are in the nature because universe knows nature and in nature you will feel that relaxation.

Universe created the nature and universe doesn’t know the buildings and any other things. I mean universe doesn’t know the man created things.

So, go into the nature and breath slowly keep continue this practice for 5 minutes and make sure that you are wearing breathable material because your body need enough oxygen. try to relax your body.

and make sure to use affirmation in present continuous tense. Like I am becoming billionaire. Money is coming to me and filling my bank account.

Use affirmation as per your requirement.

Make sure to use only 3 affirmations only because we have to clear your mind and we don’t have to make chaos in our mind. Repeat these affirmations 5 times in mind 5 times out loud.

Now you have to repeat same affirmations as slowly as you can and take a breath as you say it in your mind and out loud. You have a to align your breath with your affirmations. Smile as much as you can while doing these activities.

Universe like happiness. Happiness attracts happiness. Even if it’s a fake happiness but do it as I say.

these techniques will take only 7 minutes. now main thing feels that sense. To do this make sure you are smiling and repeating the affirmations. Now you have to add one more activity is to walk. walk as slowly as you can. In this technique your body will accept this is true. once your body accept that you are connected to the universe.

Now make it slower and slower as you can.

Many people ignore the body in their affirmation journey but they don’t know that mind and body are equal importance.

Let me tell you why. You decide that tomorrow you will wake up 4am and start doing exercises. and then see tomorrow morning never comes. because your mind accepted that you have to wake up early but your body doesn’t.

If you are doing this with smiling and walking and repeating affirmations along with it then you will 60 to 70% closer to your goal.

when your body start accepting these changes, you will see that Universe is trying to make you billionaire you don’t need to try hard. everything will become magical.

This was you can do, be, achieve anything in your life.

The reason why I am sharing this because universe is to offer abundance, happiness to you but you should be ready to take as universe is ready to give.

Remove your all blockages then you see the significant changes your life. You will see big shift in your life.

The big reason why I am sharing this because we are born to enjoy a life not to struggle. Every person has right to become healthy, wealthy and happiness.

Now a days people are attracting bad things in their life and they start complaining that why it’s always happening to me.

Guys let me tell you that you have power to change anything in your life. But for that you need to ready to accept it from universe.

Attract only positive things in your life. Then you will have life you desire and you will get what you want in your life.

I will try to help you in achieving what you want. I am opening a Instagram account very soon so you can ask anything you want. I will be very happy if I could contribute some amount of thing in your life.

Because if you observe I have only shared 1 technique and if you follow this then you will see remarkable results.

Keep in mind one thing guys. Life is not simple, make it simple.

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