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Force yourself to achieve your desired life

Desired life …

Everyone want to be a successful in their life no matter what. Everyone has to win.

If you in 9 to 5 jobs then you must think about getting financial freedom because 9 to 5 job can give you money but it won’t give you a life you want.

We are born to enjoy our life but sometimes we don’t get life we want. there is something missing in our life.

If you born poor it’s not your fault but if you die poor then it’s your fault.
If you look around, there are many people buying properties in Dubai, buying Ferrari, Lamborghini, exploring the world, however in the other side people are stuck into their 9 to 5 jobs. they are not even coming out of it even they wish to.

Because they are doing same thing again and again. They are doing same repetitive tasks again and again. So let me tell you guys if you one of them then you might be in danger. Think opposite, if you are a financial free then you can do anything you want in other hand if you are not then you can’t do anything apart from your current situation.

We need to break this chain somewhere.
So, in order break this chain we need to learn new things daily. One small step can make huge difference in long run. Let’s take an example if you are doing one push up daily you feel that’s very easy and if you continue to do this and increase the push up day by day then at one time you will feel that you gained good muscles in your body.

In order to reach somewhere you need to start at least. Great things don’t happen in one night it takes long time. Because God check you how you are desperate to get that thing. There are many people who start with 10 push ups daily and after 1 month they don’t see any results in their body and they think that it’s not working for me so they quit.

So, guys life is not a destination it’s a journey. We have to be consistent in your plan. Think like this way: Do you stop eating meal after 10 days or 20 days? do you stop drinking water after 25 days? No right? because it’s a need of our body and we need to fulfil on Daily basis.

So same way you have to be consistent at what you are doing to improve your life.

Think about your goal and write down how you want to achieve it.
If your goal is to become IAS officer and for that 8-to-10-hour study is required then write down the exact time when you are going to sit for a study. Cover 10 exact hours how you are going to utilize it.

And stick that paper on wallpaper and now there is biggest challenge is. You need to follow exact schedule what you have written on the paper. No matter what.

First day you will feel that it’s not my cup of tea. second day you will feel that it’s not easy. third day you will feel that shall I quit. but guys you have keep continue your schedule even if you are not getting or not understanding what is there in the book. We are doing it to make a habit to our body. after 15 days you won’t see any significant change even if you continue and if you don’t see any results then also you have to continue your journey. At one point of time, you feel that something is happening.

Now after 1 or 2 months you will see that your schedule is become part of your life. You don’t have struggle more for it. Your body will wake on the exact time your body will pick up the book and you are continuing your studying without any efforts.

Now think about what you were on first day and what you are now.
Things will happen automatically without any efforts. This is something magical.
Few days of struggle will take you to the big win.

If you are struggling with anything and you are not able to achieve it then write down it to me. I will help you to achieve your Goal.

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