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How to live happy married life

Happy Married life …

Are you struggling with your marriage life? not anymore. Because I will tell you how you can live happily.

In reality there is no science behind the happy marriage life because everyone has a unique personality. Someone behaves differently, someone is not happy with the partner. Main reason behind happy marriage is to accept the partner who he or she is. Sometimes we compare our life with other couple. If you are doing that then please stop.

We don’t have compare our life with some others life.

There are few things we need to take care of because marriage couple are fighting with each other on pointless reason.

If your partner is not behaving as per your wish then you start thinking negative about your partner and that thought take big size in your mind and you start fighting even on small things which is not required.

Every person has unique qualities. If you want your partner should be handsome like hero then it’s not possible, same applies for men as well.

You should accept your partner as it is because beauty is nor important is any relationship. If your wife or husband is supportive then you should support him as well. In marriage life it’s very important to keep your partner happy. you can appreciate him or her on small things. You always need to focus on good qualities of your partner.

If you had a fight then talk about it and solve that fight before going to bed. In marriage small things matters a lot. If your man and woman have a good heart then please do not blame her or him on small mistakes. If you didn’t like about anything then talk to your partner. Sort it out and go ahead.
Respect the decision of your partner even it’s wrong. Do not blame because if the partner with you then you can win any battle.

If you are so busy that you are not able to pay attention to your wife then wife should not complain about it.

If you are talking with your partner about your needs then half of the problem gets solved there. You should talk.

You can go on small vacation where you can enjoy your own time.

Main thing to live happy marriage life is: Don’t post frequently your married life on social media. Because there are people who do not think good about you and they start releasing bad vibes. Don’t talk negative about your marriage with anyone. Don’t share anything with anyone. Marriage is a secret thing and it should live secretly. Enjoy your own time, do not compare your marriage life with anyone. Try to maintain your relationship life friends than partner. This way you will enjoy your marriage journey.

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