Now it’s your time to become a Billionaire…
You born with happiness and enjoyment. After few years you start earning for your family. After few years you take all the responsibility to take care of your family.
Few people earns so much money and few people not. Some people who want to take care of their family and Nothing else then they choose 9 to 5 rat race. However, some people have big dreams buying big houses and enjoy the life at the fullest.
Today I will teach you some simple techniques to be a billionaire.
It’s a law at attraction. You probably heard this term in your life. However, some people are confused how to do the same. There are many online gurus who are charging more money to teach these techniques.
So, guys no need to go anywhere as I am here to help you to be a billionaire using very simple techniques.
You follow other gurus too and listen their logic and apply their techniques. If you do not get any results then only you visit this page again and apply my techniques.
And I will let you know why my techniques will work for you. I will tell the logic behind that. I applied same logic and used these techniques to achieve massive success in my life.
I am financially free. I can go anywhere I want. I got out from rat race. living my life fully. Happiness is coming to me on Daily basis. All things are happening automatically for me. I have many properties all over the world.
Let gets started with techniques which I use and I think this should work in your life too. Please note that these are my own created techniques which doesn’t seems to be same like others. It’s your choice to use my techniques or not.
There is chaos everywhere if you go. News is spreading bad things. we listen bad things so somewhere our mind is catching these things unknowingly. So, first thing you need to do is disconnect from all these things. like people, electronics devices, negative thoughts.
It’s not easy thing. But let me tell you that it’s very easy. I will give you one idea.
Before telling this how to do I want to ask one thing.
Do you even breath properly? The answer would be No. Because you are so engrossed with your stuffs that you don’t even look at yourself, your body, your personal care.
Great things happen from within. So, we need to make strong our inner strength.
We are reflection of our inner body. So, focus on our inner strength. Inner feelings are most important ingredient of our life.
Second thing is word. Words has great power. That’s why affirmations are so important in our life.
There is one country who believes that words have great power and when they want to cut down any trees they come together and curse that trees so after few days that tree become lifeless and it fell down automatically.
Another experiment I would like to mention is: This experiment was done in Japan. There was a man who took 3 bowls of rice. in each bowl he takes same rice. And every night he appreciates one bowl and he curse another bowl and keep 3rd bowl as it is.
After few days he saw a massive changes.
a bowl with appreciation smells nice and it was good than before second bowl with curse was smelling badly and it was in bad condition and third bowl was not good and not bad it was as it is. So, takeaway of this lesson that word has great power.
Now I will cover rest of the things in next chapter. Please continue your reading.