Why prayers are important

Prayers …. Every person has a desire to become or achieve anything they want. All people have their own goals and they want to get something in their life. There is no person around the world who has no goals, no desire. Nowadays if you see everyone is running behind anything. May it be Money, … Read more

Read this if you are finding (Peace of mind) in your life

Peace … There are many people around the world who earns big amount of money. They are financially free they can do anything they want. However, they are not satisfied about what they have even if they can buy anything and do anything in their life. The main reason is: Nowadays people are so much … Read more

Why everyone should do meditation!!

Meditation … Everyone must have heard this world somewhere. Have you tried to apply the same in your life? Today I will let you know why everyone should do a meditation at least for 5 to 10 minutes on daily basis. Today’s world like we are running behind the things. We are running behind the … Read more