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Why affirmations don’t work for all

Affirmation …

Before starting this topic let’s understand how the affirmations works. We repeat the positive statement again and again for la long time. Sometime it works and sometime it doesn’t. The reason is it’s not working for all because we are putting some outer thing into the inside of our body.

Sometime our mind doesn’t accept what we speak and what we repeat and body thinks that it’s fake or not possible.

If you affirm yourself that you are multi-billionaire and once you are seeing the reality your body says you are not multi-billionaire you are just normal random person.

The main reason behind this is past conditioning. We have conditioned our mind such a way that when we try something new it says it’s impossible. and when we try to tell our mind that make it possible then our mind says it’s not true.

Example – In childhood we have been conditioned that money is not good, Rich people are not good and that has been programmed since long time. Now you are telling yourself that I am rich. I am abundance then our internal mind says it’s not true.

But you change this anytime and you can condition your mind such a way you can have, be anything at any point of time.

In order to work affirmations, you need to clear your all blockages first because when you putting outer thing into your body through affirmations then our mind doesn’t accept it quickly. So, you always need to be calm. clear all the chaos when you are working on affirmations.

Morning’s affirmations and affirmations before going to bed are most effective affirmations because of time. In those timing our mind is very calm. And we can do it so effectively.
When you are saying affirmations then make sure you feel good about it.

Try doing yoga, meditation to work your affirmations quickly. If you do the same you will see changes in your daily life. Don’t force yourself.

Before jumping into this more I want to tell you that affirmation is one of the powerful techniques of your manifestation journey.

If you want affirmation to work effectively for you then please follow below practice.

Wake up at 4 O clock. And keep repeating the affirmations at least for 100 times, repeat 1 affirmation at a time. Relax your body the more relax you will be then it will work so effectively for you. Guys I bet you, my techniques are bit different then other but if you follow at least 50% then you will see the remarkable change in your like. No matter who you are who you want to be.

The reason I staring writing because I saw that most of the people are struggling with their life even if they are everything. So I decided to help everyone if I could share my techniques to uplift their life then I will be more happy. Trying to spread happiness. Life is good guys trust me if you live it in right way. You will enjoy a lot. You will definitely thank me later.

If you are thinking that affirmations are difficult then.

Do nothing and just feel good about one thing, it will attract to you.

So, you can choose what’s best fit for you.
The reason I am sharing this because I have everything in my life and enjoying my fully. I have many properties all over the world, I have good relationship with my life we are living happily. I have financial freedom, location freedom, time freedom. I just don’t want to show everyone who I am because I believe in inner happiness.

Also, you can go into the nature and repeat your affirmation then it will work for you.
Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Life is a game and you have to play it very nicely.

Don’t struggle to get anything instead attract that thing in your life.

So, in regards with affirmations, you need feel good while doing this practice. If you are practicing affirmations and you are not feeling good about it then it won’t work.

One more thing that I am not a professional blogger. I am just sharing my knowledge though this platform.

Life is easy. Enjoy at the fullest.
I have started taking your questions or your problems or if you are struggling with something. You just need to write me I will try my best to resolve your issue because sometime you need someone to guide you to the right path.
You can give a try because whenever I say something it has deep meaning. My email address is given in contact info.

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