Why prayers are important

Prayers ….

Every person has a desire to become or achieve anything they want. All people have their own goals and they want to get something in their life.

There is no person around the world who has no goals, no desire.

Nowadays if you see everyone is running behind anything. May it be Money, health, rich lifestyle, happiness, good life, good relationship, financial freedom, time freedom, location freedom

Sometime we get confidence that we will anything we want however sometime we feel that things are not happening as per wish. Our mental condition changes frequently.

There is always someone above us. Someone to protect us. Someone who made this universe. Someone who is always there to help you. Someone calls it God, Allah, Jesus, self-confidence, inner world, universe, nature you can call it anything. There some kind of power in nature, in universe.

In short everyone believes in anything. So, to connect with that energy we need some medium to convey our message. Prayers does all this for us. If you are ill and if you pray. Please cure me. after few days you will see some changes in your body. If you not confident to speak in front of all and if you say, give me confidence to speak in front of all then you will the confidence to speak in front of all. our inner energies are helping us to get those things.

Most of the people always believe in God. They pray always and they get the what they prayed for. Some energies always there to help us to protect us. We just have to tell what you want in your life.

Don’t ignore the power of prayers. it gives you what you want in your life.

Prayers give hope in your life. we can directly connect to that energy if we pray regularly.

Almost 80% of people pray for anything. So, pray with your bottom of your heart. Someone is always there for us. you have tell your problems though prayers and your prayers will be answered.

If someone is telling you that there is a technique to pray in right way then don’t listen them. ignore them directly.

I will give you a logic because.

When you were child and you asked for any toys to your father then have you followed any right way to ask him. No right? You asked because you wanted it. and when your father gave that toy to you then imagine that happiness, that smile on your face. We cannot explain that right?

same way you have to pray as and when you feel helpless. Your prayers will be answered.

We have to pray and continue with our own work. Universe will give that to you when you deserve that thing. Prayers are most important in our life. Prayers always works. So do Prayers whenever possible.

So believe in prayers. It 100% works.

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